How To Create A Vision Board In 7 Easy Steps In 2023

affirmations manifest manifestation vision board

It has been widely known that Oprah, Steve Harvey, Jim Carey and other well known celebrities, high-powered executives, athletes and the wealthy have used vision boards to manifest the life they’ve wanted. Neuroscientists, who are brain scientists, have evidence that our brains don’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Therefore, the brain will subconsciously work towards and pursue what is repeatedly put in front of it.

The stories of Oprah, Steve Harvey and Jim Carey aren’t completely about the success that they are now known for. They all came from adversity and small beginnings with a lot of rejection along the way. Oprah came from a poor family and was molested as a child. Jim Carey and his family had to live out of their car for some time as a kid. Steve Harvey dropped out of college and was once homeless.

Before Jim Carey was famous he wrote himself a $10 million check ‘for acting services rendered’, however, at the time he didn’t have the money. Writing that check changed his life forever. He ended up making $10 million for the movie Dumb and Dumber nearly 5 years later. He likely looked often at his check which put his subconscious mind in position to believe that he already had the money.

There is evidence that shows when an athlete envisions themselves performing a routine or play, that they perform much better than if they had not. When a musician practices a piece of music in their mind while away from their instrument, they perform better when they return to it. Furthermore, when a student has fixed their mind to believe that they will earn an “A” on a test, they are more than likely to earn that “A”. This is science at work in the brain. The science behind how to manifest using a vision board.

A vision board is a visual representation of what you desire for your life or for others. The most common ones are designed on poster board. Furthermore, digital vision boards are not so uncommon either. 

Whether you desire improved physical, spiritual, mental or financial health a vision board done well with pure intentions can help you manifest the results that you deserve.

7 Easy Steps to Create A Vision Board

Step 1: Write Your Desires In a Journal

It isn’t recommended to start by finding images for your vision board. That is poor planning and limits your thinking to the images that you are able to locate. It is suggested to either list your desires or to use a graphic organizer. Writing down your desires helps you be specific in your intentions and organizes your thoughts. Write specific sentences or phrases.

In this process don’t think about impressing others. That vibrational frequency is a low frequency. Focusing on improving your life and those around you that matter is a higher frequency. Remember to keep your intentions pure.

Do not neglect your journal after you complete your vision board. Over time when an image on your vision board gives you resistance, you may want to reference your journal until you feel settled in your spirit to go back to your vision board.

Another vision board tip is to handwrite or print extra copies to keep with you in your bag, backpack, wallet or purse. This gives you quick access for when you are away from your vision board to conveniently affirm your desires when you need to.

Step 2: Find Your Images

Find images that get your brain and senses fired up and engaged. Boring images that don’t correlate with what you wrote in your journal are counterproductive. If you desire a Mercedes G Wagon you wouldn’t put a picture of a random E Class Mercedes. That causes a conflict in your mind and will block your manifestation of it. Be specific with intention on the selection of your images. Caution, if you do not find the image that resonates with you, then you need to postpone placing it until you find the one that does.

Fortunately you can find images on Google or Pinterest. Go to Google, type the name of the image that you desire and select the image tab. Save the images that like in one folder on your desktop so that they are organized. Right click the image and select Save As. You can rename the image if you’d like.

Some people choose to include positive affirmations on their vision boards as well. You can type your affirmations on Microsoft Word, Canva or Adobe Photoshop or find some on Google or Canva to be printed out.

Step 3: Design Your Vision Board

If you know you’d get tired of seeing a bright pink poster seven days into looking at it then search for a more appropriate color. If designing individual vision boards as a family, then let everyone choose the color that works best for them. Furthermore, the size of the poster board shouldn’t be one that gets in the way of your normal day to day living.

It is important to lay the images out on your poster board prior to gluing them down. You are the best at knowing how your brain works and how it receives visual stimulation. Consider arranging your vision board images in a manner that you’d be fine looking at everyday for 21 days or longer. Place your images in a manner that creates synergy.

If you are a person that doesn’t like to be overly stimulated with images, then you should take that into consideration and not clutter your vision board edge to edge with images. Again that would be counterproductive to your desired outcome. This should be taken a little bit more seriously than a school project you may have had at some point. 

Step 4: Where Should I Hang my Vision Board?

The location of your vision board ultimately depends on how much wall space you have and whether or not you live alone or with other people. If you live alone then just choose any wall where you’d frequently see it. If you live with others then your bedroom or bathroom would be the next best location. Some people place their vision board on the ceiling above their beds. Making it the last thing that the see before the sleep.

Another vision board tip would be to move its location from time to time. When you find yourself walking right past it without noticing it, that means it's time for a new location.

Step 5: Engage With Your Vision Board

To optimize its effectiveness research shows that viewing your vision board prior to sleep is best. It sets in motion your subconscious mind's desire to figure out how to make it happen while you sleep and when you are awake. Essentially you’ll begin to believe that you already have what you desire. When you wake up is the next best time to view your vision board as it sets the tone, frequency or vibration for your day. Any time outside of that is up to you, however, don’t over do it. 

People always wonder how long you should look at your vision board. Enough to give each image a one or twice over with your eyes. Do not do it so long that you give yourself time to doubt what you desire. Look it over and move on. Or get back to what you were previously doing. 

Step 6: Be Flexible

Your vision board is a tool, however, you must understand that delays and detours to your desires may happen. If something on your vision board repeatedly begins to bother you that much, then you can and should make a new vision board that omits the image. That is fine to do so.

Step 7: Action Steps to Manifest

Remember it is not your job to worry about how these things will happen or manifest. There’s a higher power than ourselves that takes care of that part. You are to believe that you already have what you desire and put into action a plan to make them happen. The Bible says, “faith without works is dead”. Don’t worry about how difficult the situation looks. That isn’t your job to be focused on that. Live daily as if you have what you desire. Don’t be tempted to look backwards in doubt and you’ll see that your vision board actually works.

Sumer Strawbree author and illustrator of Black, Brown & Beautiful was able to manifest with her dad an appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show.

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